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Maddie has a secret...

In the episode, "Maddie Has a Secret," Abby was going to send the girls to Starpower's twentieth anniversary, a competition so big that they will be having two competitions. Abby secretly puts Maddie in both Starpower competitions, having her perform her old solo "Cry." Maddie and Melissa are told to keep this a secret, but Melissa worries.

Maddie wins the title at Starpower and then wins the title at the other Starpower. The other moms argue on the way out, knowing Abby planned everything all along.

Despite repeated false claims to the contrary, Maddie did indeed win two titles as Junior Miss Starpower, as was shown in official results. Maddie received 2nd on "Cry" in the "9-11" solo category, but the girl that won apparently wasn't going for the title "Junior Miss Starpower," which was awarded to Maddie.

Many people blamed Maddie and Melissa for accepting two solos and not telling the other teammates about it, but would YOU if you had been in their position?

Does it really make any sense to, literally, bite the hand that feeds you?

Do you think that the others REALLY didn't know...or was that just to hike the drama?

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Cry - Unknown Artist
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