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Christi Lukasiak Bio

Biographical Information

Gender: Female

Born: March 3, 1977

Age: 38

Height: 5'8"

Friends and Family

Spouse: Marc Lukasiak

Parents: Unnamed mother

Children: Chloe Lukasiak (daughter)

Clara Lukasiak (daughter)

Siblings: Jodi (sister)

Grandparents: Unnamed grandmother

Unnamed grandfather

Friends: Kelly Hyland

Diane Pent

Pets: Cami (dog)

Maisy (dog)

Maggie (dog)



“ You know why I don't speak to my mother? Because she's a f---ing psychopath, like you! ”

Christina "Christi" Lukasiak is the wife of Marc Lukasiak, and mother of Chloe and Clara Lukasiak. She is known for her constant battles with Abby. Christi is very protective of her eldest daughter, Chloe, and has been seen to have a very close relationship with her as well. If she feels someone is belittling or insulting Chloe, she immediately fires back.


She owned a children's fitness franchise in the Pittsburgh area called Stretch-N-Grow, which promotes health in addition to fitness, but has since sold it to focus on her household and family.


Christi, out of all of the original moms, is the youngest one. As of Season 5 she has not returned.



Early life


According to Christi herself in Season 1, she was born to a very young mother. She said she had a very hard childhood; she had a poor relationship with her mother; she lived at her grandparents' house; and that she and her grandparents were very close to each other. Young Christi would dance on the lawn with her little sister, Jodi, and dream of having a life of dance like Chloe does, but she was never given that opportunity.


In Dance Moms


Christi claims that Maddie Ziegler is Abby’s favorite in the entire dance company, despite the fact that there are many different classes and dancers, because Abby spends the most time with her. This has led to numerous arguments with both Abby and Melissa. In Stealing the Show, Christi accused Melissa and Abby of giving Maddie a weighted victory, and setting-up other dancers to fail. A massive fight erupted, which included Maddie and Mackenzie breaking into tears. Christi apologized in the following episode, and Abby forced her to sign further agreements. Another fight occured in Break a Leg, when Abby asked Maddie to demonstrate her dance on Drop Dead Diva, following the team's awards ceremony. Melissa led Maddie out of the room by hand as the argument grew more heated, and this time Chloe cried as Abby shouted she was a "sneak."


Christi has been insulted various times by Cathy Stein. Cathy has called her "nose," and told her once, "Whoville called, they want their nose back." She even went so far as to insult Christi's clothing, calling it cheap. Even though the two don't like each other, they both had each other's numbers as seen in Topless Showgirls when Cathy calls Christi to ask her if Chloe would like to be in a commercial for beef jerky, though this could have been due to the show producers. Cathy provoked Christi into an argument during Abbygeddon, leading to a judge from the Joffrey Ballet School scolding everyone in the hallway. Following the events in Nationals 90210, many witnesses have stated there was a confrontation in which Christi choked Cathy; edited footage of those events were later shown Reunion, Part 1, and discussed again in The Smoke Before the Fire.


Throughout the course of the show, Christi has maintained a good relationship with Holly, and an even closer friendship with Kelly.





She has known Kelly Hyland for nine years, Holly Frazier for seven years, and Melissa Ziegler for six years.

She wanted to be a dancer when she was younger, but never had the opportunity because she had a rough childhood.

Christi was voted "Top Mom" for 11 out of 12 possible episodes during season 2.5.

Christi says with her unsupportive parents, she had to sneak out for cheerleading Christi has reportedly not spoken to her mother in years.

When you look up Christi's gym, "Stretch N' Grow" (which she formerly owned) on Google Maps, it will take you to Christi, Chloe, and Clara's house instead of the gym. The street view was from July 2011, and her old blue Dodge van is seen in her driveway.

Like Kelly, she was captain of her cheerleading squad in high school.

Also in high school, Christi describes herself somewhat negatively as "Most School Spirit" and "Unfailingly perky."

One of her greatest regrets is not moving to New York after she graduated college.

Christi says that hearing "Dream on a Star" still (2013) brings her to tears.

She would like for her children to go to Broadway after high school, but wants them to take online college classes because she wants them to have degrees.

Christi has tweeted that Tuesdays are nerve-wracking, since the cast doesn't get to watch new episodes prior to broadcast. When episodes premiered on Wednesdays in Season 1, Christi said she was often horrified to watch herself (especially in the fight in Stealing the Show), would get sick on the afternoons before broadcasts, and her favorite moment of the week was when the broadcast was over.

When asked if the fighting on the show is real, Christi has answered that they play-it-up for the cameras; but also adds that they have known each other for many years, and have lots of old negative experiences they can deliberately remember to get emotionally upset with each other -- even if it's not what they're saying in front of the cameras.

Christi got engaged to Marc on Christmas Eve 1998.

Christi has said (in 2013) that they film every day from 4:00 to 10:00, and they get tired of the cameras; and that this played a part in becoming angry with the cameras after Chloe's hat fell off.

Christi has said Abby is fifty times worse than what the audience sees, and if they showed it, people wouldn't watch the show.

Speaking off the show in 2013, Christi has said they are under contract with Lifetime, and cannot leave, despite trying a million times.

Christi has said (2013) that her favorite memory from Dance Moms is "everything."

Christi thinks the funniest things that happens on the show are between the moms, but they are edited from broadcasts because they aren't supposed to be friends.

In a late 2011 interview, Christi stated that she probably only paid $300 per month in actual tuition; and the $16,000 per year figure stated in The Competition Begins was from also adding "traveling, costumes, shoes, hotels."

Shopping, reading, bubble baths, manicures and pedicures, and a glass of wine with a friend are her favorite ways to blow off steam.

After Chloe was born, Christi wanted more than anything to have a second child. It was difficult for her to get pregnant again. She tried for years, with no luck, and was about to give up when she finally got the news that she was pregnant again with Clara.

Christi was once a stockbroker.

Christi describes enjoying sewing as her "dirty little secret."

Christi also describes shopping as a guilty pleasure.

Christi says that all the girls on the show are straight-A students.

Christi did not sign Abby's studio contract throughout the filming of Season 4.



Want to learn more about Christi Lukasiak?

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Dance Moms, Maddie Ziegler, Abby Lee Miller
Dance Moms, Maddie Ziegler, Abby Lee Miller



“ You know why I don't speak to my mother? Because she's a f---ing psychopath, like you! ”

 —Christi, "No Solo for You"

“ You know what they say? Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ”

 —Christi, helping Kelly attack Payton's reputation as a bully naturally taking after mother, in "Maddie Has a Secret"

“ No! You're not pecking at something, and you're not pooping! Chloe! Like, you just straighten your knee. [with extreme nastiness] Chloe! Boy, that was amazing. You just made me feel something. [shaking head in anger] Or do you not care? 'Cause if you don't care, let's get on a plane and go home! 'Cause I'd love to go home to your dad and your sister. ”

 —Christi, given rare opportunity to demonstrate proper non-abusive dance coach techniques, "Nationals 90210"

“ Note to all: just because you read something on the Internet does not make it true. If so, the sky would be purple. ”

 —Christi on Twitter, after choking Cathy in front of children at Season 2 nationals

“ Wait, I'm going to choke that bitch when we go out there. ”

 —Christi, "The Smoke Before the Fire", joking about blowing up CADC team, terrifying children, setting kids up to be cyberbullied

“ Just like when Maddie didn't win Nationals, she cried. ”

 —Christi, "Abby's "So Far This Season..."," using a night she fled from police to attack a child's behavior.

“ That was not my fight. And you know what? If everyone's jealous, too bad! Tell your mother I said, "too bad!" ”

 —Christi, yelling at Paige, "Boy Crazy, Mom Crazy"

“ I think that Kelly is really just jealous of me. Because Chloe is clearly a national champion, and she's jealous that she's consistently on top, and I think she's just taking it out on me. And I'm not going to take it anymore. ”

 —Christi, in "Boy Crazy, Mom Crazy"

“ I sat in a parking lot for you to get you and your kids back here. ”

 —Christi in unscripted fight with Kelly, "You've Been Unfriended"

“ Christi u did not stick up for me or my kids and all the moms sat in the parking lot for more $$$$ it had nothing to do with my kids ”

 —Kelly on Twitter, about Christi

“ Christi...a real friend would not use a LIE to make yourself look good in a fight...#realgoodfriend ”

 —Kelly on Twitter, falling out with "partner-in-crime"

“ Because she was never that way with me. She was always that way with Melissa. ”

 —Kelly, "Boy Crazy, Mom Crazy", explaining her rationale for being friends with Christi

“ Yes, somebody buys a ticket. But let's explain what the money is going to, Abby. The money is going to pay for security... ”

 —Christi, "The Smoke Before the Fire", explaining Meet and Greet ticket prices

“ I think Christi is going to be so disappointed. I feel that this was Abby's way of teaching Chloe a lesson: "Don't stay away from the studio for three months. Don't go on family vacations non-stop. And... and come to class." ”

 —Jill, describing some of Christi's other activities following Season 2 Nationals, "The Beginning of the End"

“ To be the best, she has to beat the best. And Maddie's the best. ”

 —Christi, "The Competition Begins"

“ Maddie beat Chloe by half a point, they shouldn't have even been competing against one another. I mean, this is kind of getting ridiculous. Chloe's constantly being setup to lose. It's not fair. ”

 —Christi, explaining unfairness of Maddie competing in higher age division, "Dying to Dance"

“ Oh, it was written from you, about a little girl in Miami who you said -- who is amazing -- who you said, "Who cares? Why another contest about her? She's not even that good." ”

 —Welcoming Jackie Lucia and opportunity to compete against Sophia

“ You know who creates the vultures? It's you! Because you try to turn all of these kids against their friend, and that little girl is mortified all the time, because you don't care! ”

 —Christi, justifying behavior regarding Maddie's "favoritism"

“ Unbreakable-Team Chloe Dance Project ”

 —Twitter, discussing take on favoritism at Studio 19

“ I pay Abby $16,000 a year to teach my daughter to dance, but don't tell my husband. ”

 —Christi, "The Competition Begins," when paying Abby only $300 per month in tuition

“  I think what everyone's problem was, is that you made such a big deal out of the foot, and then all of a sudden it was miraculously healed. It was like Whoopi - healed. ”

 —Christi, "Tell All, Part 1," on Mackenzie

“ Abby, I wanted to let you know that we had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning, and I talked to the orthopedist, and she cleared [Chloe] to dance. ”

 —Christi, explaining how Chloe's broken foot was healed 1 week after being put in medical boot and missing ALDC recital

“ Maddie cried because she didn't win. She didn't win the stupid water melon game. Somebody else got three seconds of glory in front of four moms. ”

 —"Love on the Dance Floor"

“ Maddie didn't want to ice skate, because she needs to be the best at everything she does. And clearly, she's not an Olympic Gold medalist in figure skating, so she didn't want to skate. ”

 —Christi, "Candy Apple Showdown"

“ Yes! So next August, I'm out. We'll see. We'll see. Actually, next August, all the moms are finished. So we'll see who comes back. ”

 —Christi, asked if it was true that the show only had a four season contract, Private Party in San Antonio, May 11, 2013 (@8:15)

“ Actually, our contract is for six seasons. So that, well, it always has been. I don't know where the four season rumor came from. So... No, it's six, so they might be in luck, we'll see. ”

 —Christi, OnTheSpotInterviews, Sep 22, 2013

“ Our hands are tied. We're in a situation where we're under contract with Lifetime and we cannot leave. But we're putting our kids in situations, and we're saying things to provoke the situations which we would never do. I would never say the things that I say. ”

 —Christi, Meet and Greet in Philadelphia at the Marriott Hotel on April 7, 2013

“ Let me save everyone some time: we will NOT be back in Season 5, at all. And we did NOT get kicked off, we left. The end. ”

 —Christi, Twitter, 19 Dec 2014

“ [about the den] Oh, we're back to dance jail up here. ”

 —"The Competition Begins"

“ [about Chloe] It's my job to make sure all those little things today are taken care of behind the scenes so that she can be the star she needs to be onstage. ”

 —"The Competition Begins"

“ I-I can not believe we're in Orlando, and I'm sitting in a damn dance studio. ”

 —"Love on the Dance Floor"

“ [at Cathy] Begone, witch, you have no powers here!" ”

 —Return of the Candy Apples"

“ Cathy put that icy, cold, bony little hand onto me. It was like the Grim Reaper was holding onto my wrist. ”

 —"Brooke's Turning Point"

“ [about Melissa storming out] All we were doing was asking. She tells us everything. ”

 —"Miami Heat Wave"

“ [about Melissa] I don't think anybody said anything . . . offensive. We were just asking why she wasn't wearing it. ”

 —"Miami Heat Wave"

“ The fact that she thinks Cathy is so amazing just speaks volumes on Jill. ”

 —"Miami Heat Wave"

“ [about Melissa] She talks about sex like it's nothing, but apparently marriage is taboo. I thought it was backwards! ”

 —"Miami Heat Wave"

“ [on "Nip and Tuck"] I know everybody wants me to do my nose, but I wear this thing like a badge of honor. ”

 —"Waiting for Joffrey"

“ [Imitating Jill] Anyone who talks like this just can't be trusted... ”



Dance Moms, Maddie Ziegler, Abby Lee Miller
Dance Moms, Maddie Ziegler, Abby Lee Miller
Dance Moms, Maddie Ziegler, Abby Lee Miller
Cry - Unknown Artist
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