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Maddie & Kalani discuss the Abby/Kelly fight in Ireland..

Maddie & Kalani discuss the fight between Abby & Kelly in this video clip. It shows that the moms new from the beginning about the Kalani/Maddie "Two Sapphires" duet...because it was listed in the program. (Duh!) So, Maddie and Kalani said that the girls were terrified during the assault.

They said that things got pushed over and there was general pandemonium.

Some people have said that Maddie admitted to lying about the duet and that never happened. She said she felt badly because it was Kalani's first experience with the ALDC and it was a hot mess. This dispells the myth about Maddie lying to Chloe.

The girls, also, said they felt bad for Miss Abby during the assault. I guess they didn't think that she was the one who initiated the fight, then.

After watching this portion of the Meet & Greet in Ireland, do you have a new understanding of that infamous Dance Moms' debacle?

Also, do you understand now that nobody lied...the duet was listed right in the program?

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